Prabhu Kripa Sarv Sewa Sansthan

Welcome to PKSSS

Prabhu Kripa Sarv Sewa Sansthan is a voluntary organization, registered in year 2021 under the Society registration Act 1860. PKSSS is a voluntary development organization committed for people centred development established on 11 November 2021 with the mission of empowering the dalits, women, poors, marginalized, children and old aged community people. PKSSS  is a not for profit, non-governmental civil society organization, which believes in participatory approaches and practices participatory methodologies for empowering the rural and urban community.

PKSSS  established by a group of young & dynamic citizens with professional background like advocate , doctors , professor , social Works from District itself,  who have deep social concern and commitment for social change processes. We focus on mobilizing the community; educating them and sharing right information which would give them an advantage in their social economic and political live and liberate them from all injustice, vulnerability and marginalization.



We envisage a society free from all kind of exploitation and injustice and where no one remains hungry, unemployed, illiterate and exploited.

“हम एक ऐसे समाज की परिकल्पना करते हैं जो हर तरह के शोषण और अन्याय से मुक्त हो और जहां कोई भूखा, बेरोजगार, अनपढ़ और शोषित न रहे”


To educate, organize and empower the poor, dalits, women and children who would in future act as a catalyst in promoting gender quality, justice, economic growth and self-reliance.

“गरीबों, दलितों, महिलाओं और बच्चों को शिक्षित, संगठित और सशक्त बनाना ताकि भविष्य में वे लैंगिक गुणवत्ता, न्याय, आर्थिक विकास और आत्मनिर्भरता को बढ़ावा देने में एक उत्प्रेरक के रूप में कार्य करें”

Goal & Objectives

To enable poor communities to improve their social political and economic conditions through implementation of projects in a participatory manner.